报告题目:Modeling and Analysis of Interactive Wild and Sterile Mosquitoes with Periodic and Impulsive releases
报告人: 李佳 教授
报告地点:腾讯会议ID: 360 559 316
报告摘要: In this talk, we first give a brief review of the mathematical modeling of interactive homogeneous wild and sterile mosquito populations. Based on the innovative idea and methods introduced by Professor Jianshe Yu in 2018, we formulate new models where only those sexually active sterile mosquitoes are included for the interactive dynamics. The mathematical description of the sterile
mosquitoes becomes a non-negative function given in advance instead of an independent variable, the dimension of the model system is reduced, and the analysis is mathematically more attractable. We then study the model dynamics for the case where the releases of sterile mosquitoes are periodic and impulsive. In particular, with the waiting period between two consecutive releases greater than the sexual lifespan of the sterile mosquitoes, we establish thresholds and obtain sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a globally asymptotically stable periodic solution. We also present numerical examples to demonstrate the results. This talk is based on the joint work with Professor Jianshe Yu.
报告人简介: : 李佳,美国阿拉巴马大学(汉斯维尔校区)教授,Mathematical Biology and Engineering、Journal of Biological Dynamics、Annuals of Differential Equations、Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science等杂志副主编。主要从事于动力系统、数学建模、人口动力学、数学生态学、数学传染病学及数学生态毒理学等方面的研究,在SCI源期刊上发表论文80余篇,获得多项美国国家科学基金项目,组织和参与多次有关生物数学方面的国际学术会议,具有较高的国际影响力。